Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Muskegon River Trout – 2/17/12

When I pulled into the launch parking lot at 8:00am I had to rub my eyes and recheck the temperature reading on the cars instrument panel…yes indeed, it was reading 2 deg/f.  I thought for just a moment that this may not be the best idea to be fishing today but quickly ignored the ludicrous notion.  After all, when is it ever not a good time to fish!  I met first time clients Damion and Matt after they pulled into the lot and soon determined they had come to fish.  I saw no hesitation in their eyes as to whether we would fish or not in the bitter cold.  Soon after launching the boat we all found out that those who are game for adventure are often rewarded with neat experiences.  It was not long before they were both into fish, having at times double hook-ups.  The weather turned out to be fantastic; no wind and bits of sunshine throughout the day.  Even though the air temps topped out at around 25 deg/f we all stayed warm.  Of course a fish or two helps to keep the fingers warm!  Thanks for the great trip guys.

Jay Allen, Riverquest guide




Damion w/ a nice jack steelie caught on a MO scud!


via Allen Brothers

Friday, February 15, 2013

Muskegon River trout – 2/14/13

Water remains high but fishing also remains good.  Fish are holding a bit closer to shore due to the high water, which means fishing water that you might think to be “too slow”.  Scuds in sizes #14-#18 are working well.  The only way to catch them is to get out and fish!


Hudson w/ an awesome winter brown, nice job!

 Jay Allen, Riverquest guide

via Allen Brothers